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As you may know, this weekend is the LARGEST Virtual Catholic Conference EVER! Pints with Aquinas is hosting a conference with some of the best Catholic speakers such as my dear friends Steve Ray, Gary Michuta, Scott Hahn, and many others! I am fortunate to be a part of this mega event with my dear brother, Erick Ybarra! Reason & Theology are WELL represented at this incredible conference! My talk at this event is on Mary! It will be covering the book I have co-authored with the amazing Rev. Dr. Kappes! Feel free to drop by and say hi if you'd like! My booth hours are from 3PM CT to 5PM CT! Then tonight at 5:30CT I will be live with the AMAZING SAM SHAMOUN on his Youtube channel to DISCUSS the Perpetual Virginity of Mary from Scripture WITH FATHER KAPPES!! You won't want to miss any of these events!


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